Bucovaz Srl
33048 San Giovanni al Natisone (Udine)

When dreams become reality. This is how the first collection is born in the history of the Bucovaz, which is considered for more than forty years “ The
Wood Boutique”. Leader in the workmanship and for the quality. This collection make absolute protagonists three important materials: wood, copper
and blown glass by the masters of Murano. This materials melt togheter and the effect is amazing… Unique objects, extremely elegant, born from passion and love for wood, that express the quality and such a creativity that is typical of Italian style. Dreams that finally comes true and become reality under eyes of the artist…. creations of a special charm, that will astonish you, fill you with emotion. They will pass the confines of your imagination and will vibrate your soul only looking of them…and this is only the biginning.