Boxer 9003

by Dearkids

Double kid bedroom, with desk

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Collection: Boxer

Tom model beds with hard wood structure, headboard and feet support in sandwich panel and wardrobe with multiple shutters. Tom bed with large drawers and/or second pull-out bed, bedsides with hardwood posts. Additional pull-out desk top , wardrobe with multiple folding door.

Boxer is a collection of cheerful and comfortable bedrooms for children, full of hidden corners that trigger the imagination of their young residents and meet all their needs. Its unquestioned hero is certainly the bunk bed. A 6 cm thick solid wood structure and a standard protection edge that can be a decorative motif if a bunch of primroses blooms on the girls beds or two sweet dinosaurs show up in the boys room. It can even be personalized with the children names and make them feel protagonists of their own space.