Loft bed KS 112

by Moretti Compact Spa

Bedroom with loft bed, with open bookcase and 6 drawers

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Collection: Loft bed

For boys sleep well it is essential and would require at least eight hours of proper remarried to recover the energy spent during the day. From the mattress depends, in large part, the quality of rest. Therefore, the first rule is always give air to the bedroom, at least for one hour a day, to favor the ventilation, the hygiene and the health of the mattress. This is valid especially for the beds of the loft, where moisture has not the possibility to evaporate. In lofts Moretti Compact, on the floor of the upper bed are fixed the wooden slats to allow the mattress to be raised and promote proper ventilation. Sleeping sure helps: sweet dreams and iron constitution.

The library Outline the lower deck compartment of the Concept loft has six drawers with "light" and push-pull opening. The fronts "light" are flush with the sides, leaving the library structure view.

Finishes: OL Olmo - FB White Ash - Cherry C93 - C50 Black - A74 Cherry
Handle: Mask - Push-Pull
Dimensions: L.366,3 - H.258 - P.224,5 cm