Tempo high

by Sitia Srl

Office chair, with high-backrest, with smart memory

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Collection: Office Chairs

The office tells of people who live there day by day. They create, plan, design. Tempo is the chair which accompagna questi momenti nella sala conferenza, nello studio, nelle aree direzionali, lasciando trasparire dalla sua linearità il concept chiave di questa seduta: la volontà di creare un elemento d’arredo in grado di trasmettere grazia e spontanea raffinatezza.

The internal structure is made of beech plywood.
The upholstery is available in fabric or leather.
The swivel base is in polished aluminum, with 5 wheels and gas lift, equipped with tilt mechanism.
The seat is padded with polyurethane, characterized by "smart memory", resilient and comfortable.
All screws and assembly systems, used in the production of Sitia products, are certified UNI EN ISO 9001-2000 and ISO / TS 16949.

Design Dorigo Design