Dilan Glam Art. D04

by AR Arredamenti Srl

Elegant rectangular dining table, glossy finish

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Collection: Dilan Glam

Dining table with plywood and veneered MDF structure, solid wood frames. Polished gold finish metal structure. Gloss black lacquered base. Polished dark American walnut essence.

The living area is meant for relaxation and conversation. Every single piece of furniture must be important and serve a purpose. Every line, every colour, every shape generates a harmonic composition that expresses the environment. Exclusive elements, significant volumes, handcrafted decorations, precious finishes. No element goes unnoticed, each piece evokes unexpected emotions.

Our future arises from our past. The Dilan AR Interiors collection takes on new life, enhancing contemporary Made in Italy luxury furniture with originality through stylistic innovations, original extravagance and bold proposals. The seductive, glossy lacquered finishes and galvanic gold elements are paired with the elegance of black Marquinia marble. Design with coordinated, consistent style, in which the architecture and furnishings become one. Dilan is strong aesthetic impact and sophisticated refinement.